
Our small, stone-built farmhouse is divided into four apartments. Each is tastefully furnished, even the smallest details are in keeping with rustic Tuscan style to create a warm, welcoming environment.
The farmhouse can accommodate ten people in total.
The Pino (Pine Tree) and Gelsomino (Jasmine) apartments comprise a double room, bathroom, kitchen and sitting room and accommodate two.
The Melograno (Pomegranate) apartment, slightly larger that the Pino and Gelsomino apartments, also accommodates two guests. It comprises a kitchen, sitting room with small fireplace, bathroom and large double room.
The Mandorlo (Almond) apartment has accommodation for four, comprising two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom and sitting room.
Each is fitted with independent central heating.

Small pets allowed.

Una suggestiva vista notturna del casolare.

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Podere Poderuccio - Pienza Tel. (+39) 0578 748343 Mobile (+39) 349 5651630  
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